This is the page for the Treatment Provider Directory of professionals who are known to work with people with misophonia.
Thomas (Tom) .Dozier
Owner / Behaviorist Misophonia Treatment InstituteBiographical Info
Thomas Dozier, M.S. Tom has a Masters degree in behavior analysis. Behavior Analysis is a basic science of human behavior. A part of this science involves human reflexes and how we acquire them. Misophonia appears to be a conditioned (acquired) reflex to the trigger sounds. Tom has researched misophonia and worked to develop treatments since 2012 (business name – Misophonia Treatment Institute), and he has shown that Misophonia includes an acquired physical reflex to the trigger sounds which causes extreme emotions of rage and disgust. Tom is also the author of 6 peer-reviewed journal articles (plus 2 currently in review) on misophonia and the book, Understanding and Overcoming Misophonia, 2nd Edition, A Conditioned Aversive Reflex Disorder. Tom founded the Misophonia Institute in 2016 as currently serves as president. Misophonia Institute is a non-profit, public benefit company focused on misophonia awareness, research, professional training, and treatment.
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Australia
- Behaviorists
- California
- Canada
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- Connecticut
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- Internet Video-Chat
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- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
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- Treatment of Young Children
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Utah
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- Washington
- Washington, D.C.
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming