The smartphone app makes it easy to do your homework for the Neural Repatterning Technique (NRT) treatment. This is a form of counterconditioning, where you hear a very VERY weak trigger while doing something positive. This is a core component of Relaxation and Couterconditioning therapy.
This app lets you adjust the trigger to create a minimal reaction. It will let you choose your favorite songs for the treatment. It will let you choose which trigger you will work on each day. This app is available for both Apple and Android phones.
For a demonstration of the app, click here.
If you really cannot afford the $40 for the app, then I can subsidize you. Contact me by email.
For the Android version of the app, click here.
For tutorials, click the links below.
The Android version is very similar to the iPhone version, but does look a bit different.
Navigating Screens –
Creating a Playlist –
Creating a Trigger –
Settings Options –
Treatment Options –
Effective Treatments –
Recording and Editing Triggers –
HELP CONNECTING Mac and Android phone – Load app Android File Transfer ( on your Mac. This allows you to connect the Android phone to your Mac USB port.
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If you request to not be contacted, your request will be honored.