“Hi Tom,
“I have some excellent news. I’ve been doing my working with the app every day since I believe last Saturday or Sunday [about 10 days]. At least an hour each session. If I’m feeling good I can do 3 hours or so while I’m at work. I was gradually increasing volume, frequency and length of the trigger sound (sniffling). Today I had a conversation with my roommate and partway through I realized he was sniffling and I was having no physical reflex. I then began focusing on the sound as if part of me knew something was supposed to happen but I had no negative feelings each time I heard the sound.”
“Thank you so much. I’m not finished the treatment, but I already feel so much better. This is a big deal for me. Misophonia plagued me every day and I finally feel hopeful that I might rid myself of some of the worst reactions. To simply not like the sound versus despising the sound is a massive relief.”
UPDATE (after another 10 days):
“Good Day Tom,
“I have been working on crunching now and I have definitely noticed a sensitivity decrease. I even have noticed an anxiety decrease when I know I might hear the trigger. I’ve realized I still really dislike the sound but I can handle it much better. Just the decrease in anxiety has been great.