This is the page for the Treatment Provider Directory of professionals who are known to work with people with misophonia.
Alan Artt
Alanartt.comBiographical Info
Biographical Info
Alan has been a practising therapist since 2006, working with clients in UK and online worldwide. He offers Sequent Repatterning Therapy (SRT) for misophonia in the UK and worldwide using a secure video conferencing platform approved for medical use.
Alan is an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Brain Working Recursive Therapist (BWRT) Advanced practitioner and a Sequent Repatterning Therapy Practitioner. Alan treats clients as unique human beings, who have had a unique life experience. Everything he does is tailored to the individual’s needs. Alan understands misophonia and is committed to providing help for misophonia sufferers using SRT.
Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis with Psychotherapy
Diploma in Advanced Hypnoanalysis
Certified Practitioner Sequent Repatterning Therapy
Certified Advanced Level Practitioner WSN Counselling & Coaching
Certified Tinnitus Specialist – Minnesota Inst. of Clinical Hypnosis
Professional associations and bodies:
MNCP – Member National Council of Psychotherapist
MAPHP – Member – Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy
MIBWRT – Member – The Terence Watts BWRT Institute