Unless otherwise noted, all testimonials are solicited.

I couldn’t be more grateful to Tom. My son had misophonia (he was 7 or 8 years old when it started, and today he is 11), and we can now say that he practically has no symptoms, thanks to Tom Dozier. He helped us from the beginning, getting involved, explaining the whole process, and helping my son understand it as well as perform exercises. Additionally, with great dedication, he helped us find other resources that also helped my son overcome his misophonia, as we live outside the United States. He is a great professional, and I am infinitely grateful for everything he is doing to raise awareness and help people and families dealing with misophonia. Many, many thanks to you Tom and also to your network. Raul

For so many years I thought I was just intolerant and impatient. Turns out Misophonia is a real thing and I finally found someone (Tom Dozier) who validated what I was going through!
I had reached out to countless therapists and mental health professionals in my area without any success. No one knew how to help or where to recommend.
My husband was due to retire from his job that had kept him away all of the time and soon he would be home all of the time. I knew I needed to find a solution before his retirement or risk marriage troubles due to my triggers from various sounds.
I expanded my search for help outside of my area and found Tom Dozier. Thankfully, Tom was able to help me via our zoom sessions. I was equipped with the tools and techniques needed to manage my condition. I am so thankful!

Tom was instrumental in giving me coping mechanisms and in helping me secure accommodations for my job. I can’t thank him enough!

Tom was very patient and non-judgmental. I’ve experienced a decrease in reaction to triggers since working with him. I probably would have even more success if I stuck with it longer to really hone the skills he teaches! Most people including doctors and therapist do not take misophonia seriously and do not have a lot of knowledge about it – Tom was extremely valuable in this area because he has studied it so intensely!

My son suffered from misophonia for years, and it was greatly reduced after just a few sessions with Tom. During the first session (all sessions were done remotely), Tom helped my son identify his physical reaction to the sounds. He then worked with my son to change the physical reaction, which re-patterned his brain and calmed the severe reactions to the sounds. It’s been several years since my son worked with Tom, and he’s now a thriving sophomore in college in NYC. His misophonia is well under control and doesn’t seem to be impacting him negatively anymore. He no longer meets the criteria for having misophonia. We feel incredibly lucky to have been able to work with Tom.

I discovered that I had this disorder (from thankfully spotting an article title one morning) and wasn’t simply a ‘noise sensitive’ neurotic at the tender age of 61. Speaking with Tom Dozier offered me the emotional validation and intellectual relief in providing a name to this disorder. It also allowed me to be kinder to myself and release all the negative self talk. I’m not the easily irritated, high-riding bitch I’ve always told myself I was because I could not tolerate particular sounds. It also helped me to understand, and forgive, my father’s near-constant irritation as I believe, he too, suffered from this disorder. I wish I knew of this years ago.

Tom Dozier diagnosed my daughter at 15 years old with Misophonia in March of 2022. He was very patient and informative about what experts know about this disorder. We live in Texas and were able to meet with Tom over zoom for sessions and consults. He was very flexible and is eager to help people with their Misophonia. Tom also helped provide me with a letter to get accommodations at my daughter’s high school. My daughter’s Misophonia did not improve after 6 months of using Tom’s “trigger tamer app” so he recommended another avenue to try called sequent repatterning hypnotherapy. We have read of many people his therapy has helped so I highly recommend you try. What works for one “Misophone” may not work for another “Misophone” so you have try it all! We are still grateful for the diagnosis!

My son was 9 when we found Tom’s book. He had issues with the sound of people eating, chewing gum, and dishes scraping. We went to therapists, pshycologists, and brain balance to try to get him to stop screaming and running out of the room every time he heard a noise. He could no longer eat with the family and there was a lot of stress and yelling.
After finding the book, we were able to identify what Misophonia actually was. We had never heard of it before. We called and spoke with Tom one time and he showed us the trigger tamer app, explained what it was, and how to help the condition. We discovered his trigger muscles were his shoulders.
We noticed a 50% decrease in outbursts within 1 week, and 95% within 6 months of working on it. We are now 3 years later and we forget he even has MIsophonia these days. He functions 100% under all conditions and stresses. Occasionally there will be a couple times he notices sounds of people eating, and when he does, we can always open the app and beat it back.
It has been an absolute lifesaver working with Tom’s system, I can’t imagine life if we didn’t discover it. I am convinced this is the only solution to this condition.

Tom Dozier provided council and support for me during one of the most difficult periods of my life. At a time when I was floating in a vast sea of unknown feelings and emotional issues, Mr. Dozier and the Misophonia Institute provided a beacon of light on a buoy in the middle of that dark ocean. The hour-long consultation I had with him started me on a journey of healing. After using all the resources I could find at Misophonia Institute, I was guided to other wonderful counselors and information that opened my eyes, and also put me in touch with a whole community of support and fellow sojourners. We have all learned much since that first contact, and there is now a wealth of information and greater awareness of Misophonia. Tom Dozier was a crucial part of that, and we wouldn’t be as far along in our understanding if it weren’t for his drive to find answers and help sufferers of this strange and horrible condition.

IF YOU HAVE MISO! – Schedule a couple of sessions with Tom Dozier. You owe it to yourself and you owe it to your family. (I posted in Facebook group, Misophonia Treatment and Management, and repeat it here).
How much would you give to be free of miso? How much would you give to cut it in half, by any amout? I’ve known about Tom and his work for years but didn’t reach out until I was at a rock-bottom break point. I’d put in a lot of work to try and shake Miso, and read several books including “The brain that changes itself” and “Soft-wired”, which are great books that prove that you can be cured of miso. I was motivated and put in the work and tried to do it on my own and couldn’t. Tom helped me over the hump to make a positive change. Tom is gentle, caring, kind, compassionate, understanding, and just an upstanding person. You need help, and Tom is a wonderful person to start with.
If you are serious about trying to heal yourself and are willing to put in the work. It’s work! It’s not easy. But if your freaking tired of Miso like I was, it’s worth the effort. You can find Tom Dozier and his information at https://misophoniainstitute.org/
Thank you Tom Dozier for helping me. I’m not 100% there, but I just sat down and played board games with my family and my daughter was eating pistachios and I still had a wonderful time.

Tom has helped me immensely with my misophonia. Even just learning that it’s a condition experienced by other people was helpful. He has taught me tactics for dealing with my triggers, and minimizing their impacts on my daily life. He has also taught me relaxation techniques that will hopefully prevent the development of new triggers. I am extremely grateful for the work Tom has done towards understanding and treating misophonia!

Tom’s research and detailed documentation were absolutely invaluable in justifying my request for a reasonable accommodation with my employer, both initially and again when the accommodation came up for review some six years later. He also practices a hands on approach, asking careful questions during interviews. Highly recommend.

I am so glad I found Tom, he is the only practitioner who has been able to help me with my Misophonia. Although I still have ups and downs, I am able to use the techniques he taught me. He also explained it in so much detail that I finally understood what was really going on… for the longest time I really thought something was wrong with me. He made me feel less alone and more understood.

I was extremely bad with my misophonia – it had been so bad, in fact, I couldn’t stand to be in the same room as someone talking or laughing. But with the help of Tom’s advice and exposure therapy [note: this is not traditional exposure, but is countercondition (note added by Tom Dozier)], I was able to overcome my difficulties and now its been less hard to withstand it. I truly believe he has made an impact on how I function.

Our family will be forever grateful to Tom and the work that he did with our daughter. She suffered from Misophonia from about age 4. She’s 17 now. For the past 13 years, her agonizing experience with certain sound was an absolute mystery to us. We didn’t understand her frustration and pain and it effected our family dynamics. She’s finally found relief with Tom’s help over the past 8 months. His work with our family has been a godsend. Now she’s so much happier, self-aware, and equipped with the tools to deal with her Misophonia as she continues to thrive!

I contacted Tom in 2016 to help me with Misophonia. I was 36 yrs old at the time. I have suffered from Misophonia since I was 5 year old child.
We scheduled a 1 hour initial evaluation. In the evaluation we went through a series of questions. He explained the science so clearly about how the amygdala (reptile brain) physically triggers pain within 1/2 second of hearing/seeing a trigger and then the emotional upheaval follows the physical trigger.
He asked me if I knew where my physical reflex was, which I had a good idea where it was on my body, but we tested it using an app that he developed to help people find their physical triggers.
Once I understand the above, I was able to practice relaxing before and during a trigger. Within days my painful reflex was not as painful and slowly started to go away. It’s been 8 years since I am worked with Tom the first time. I do check in with him from time to time, but I have found no other treatment or person who understands misophonia better than he does.
I recommend Tom to anyone I meet who has misophonia and looking for a real treatment option.

First of all, thanks for your attention when I needed the most. Thanks also for offering affordable options for people with financial difficulty.
In the end, I realized I needed a psychiatric help to help me cope with all the physical problems that had developed in my body and mind during those 20 years. Still, during this time, your book helped me! I was doing all I could to improve! I was really really down, probably the most challenging time of my life.
Now, 4 years later, I´m decreasing my medicine by 70%, I changed my whole lifestyle, job, house, everything. I spend the last 3 years with weekly psychological therapy, and also using the methods I´ve learned either with your book or in other therapies, and I´m much better!
Unfortunately, it´s not something that we can improve fast, and it changes so much for each person.
I have met many people during this period that manage to improve or even heal with different techniques, but that doesn’t necessarily work for me. So it requires lots of patience!
Anyway, thanks so much Tom, especially for caring about us. That´s the hardest thing to find in the process. People who genuinely care about our condition.
Thanks for dedicating yourself with your heart to that cause (it´s noticeable you do it with your heart!).
Greetings from Italy.

Tom is a bright, friendly person who is responsive and knowledgeable. We were making progress with our teenage son after 3-4 online sessions. Unfortunately our son ran into a series of health problems and we had to curtail his sessions with Tom. We hope to start again someday.

I found Tom when doing some web searching on my “condition”… I didn’t really know what it was. I didn’t really know that other people had similar experiences or life restrictions. I found the term Misophonia… and I was amazed to discover that this was something that other people experienced. More importantly I found Tom listed as someone that could help me… I didn’t think that there was help.. I didn’t understand anything about cause/effect or what was happening to me.
Within minutes of making contact with Tom i felt validated… heard and optimistic. This for the first time in over 40 years of progressively worsening suffering.
Tom Dozier’s approach, compassion and the techniques and the tools, he provided me, brought me a great distance forward to a better life.. I continue to use his Apps on a near daily basis, I’ve never mastered the Trigger Tamer, but continue to use it. The Reflex finder and Misophonia muscle training apps are outstanding and are incredibly helpful.. I recommend anyone that reads this to engage Tom and download these apps. It can change your life. It changed mine for the better. Toms dedication to treating and easing peoples suffering actually comes though via the apps he developed. They are very focused.
I still experience life with Misophonia, however I have tools to move forward and am better equipped to mange and accept treatments , All thanks to Tom. For anything I do to treat Misophonia in the future – Tom’s methods and tools are my foundation, a strong foundation.

My son suffered with Misophonia for several years before we discovered Tom Dozier. He was able to diagnose my son and inform us on how to help him. He is still affected by misophonia but I can’t express how helpful it has been understanding this condition and having tools to help! I am forever grateful for Tom’s help!

Dinner time was a nightmare in our family when our teenaged daughter developed misophonia. Medical specialists didn’t know how to help. Tom did. Our daughter improved quickly under Tom’s reassurance and tutelage. Dinner times are once again low-stress and pleasant. Reach out to Tom for help – the sooner the better!

Tom was heaven sent. He provided me comfort during a dark time; he explained and broke down all of the details of my condition in an extremely understandable manner and was able to do this through a video session. He was accommodating and extremely supportive. He will provide tools that you can use and practice with between sessions to do the work to improve. Tom, thank you for your support and the time you’ve taken to learn/ help people suffering from this.

My oldest daughter found Tom DOZIER’s conference to help her sister who is 7 yrs younger. We all sat in on his conference as a family. As a parents we knew very little of this condition. Our middle school daughter who was just diagnosed in 7th grade was really struggling. We felt helpless, and frustrated. The conference proved to be so educational not only about Misophonia but offered support for us parents as well as my other two daughter.s were able to learn how to deal with their sister who they love so much. We have remained in touch with Tom and he has offered so many solutions to how to deal with everyday issues. Most importantly how to support our daughter. Our daughter who has Misophonia still struggles but has managed to thrive and is now headed to Harvard for her freshman year. We don’t eat dinner together most nights but have learned to handle our daughters triggers. We have insulated her room and give her space to decompress. Though it’s painful for us all at times. Tom has been so instrumental in guiding our family successfully through all these yrs. It is challenging most of the time. We as a family could not have done this without Tom’s education and guidance. I would highly recommend Tom’s conference if your child or someone you love is suffering from Misophonia.

If you have Misophonia, the first thing you need in a counsellor is someone who understands the condition. Tom understands it as well as anyone in the world. I read his book first and then, realising that not being a US resident didn’t prevent me from getting treatment from Tom, I immediately contacted him. Online sessions with Tom were easy to understand – and to book or postpone if needed – and I learnt some excellent techniques for managing my Misophonia. As with any treatment, progress comes when you commit to the processes. I have no doubt that Tom’s processes are the best available and if you have Misophonia I highly recommend Tom as someone who can help you.

My daughter started experience misophonia symptoms when she was eight years old. We didn’t understand what it was or how to help her. She would easily get frustrated and angry with some of her classmates because their breathing/sniffling . Our family dinners were quite stressful for everyone around the table. The suffering for her and for us, her parents, was very REAL. It affected our everyday life in many ways.
We started to do some online research to understand how to help her, and were able to identify the problem. Later, Tom Dozier’s book really helped us to understand more what we are dealing with. However, at that time, we were not able to find a reliable treatment for her and were feeling quite desperate. Two years ago I happened to watch a youtube video, Tom Dozier was conducting an interview with a lady in her seventies who was able to get rid of her symptoms (she had misophonia since she was two years old!), or at least, not suffer much any more, thanks to Tom’s treatment method! That interview gave us a new hope and we simply had to try it! At this point our daughter was already a junior in high school.
We had several zoom meetings with Tom; and I am still surprised and impressed how seemingly easy his method put an end to her and our suffering! I wish we had started earlier than we did! Our daughter had a very socially and academically happy, senior year. Misophonia is no longer a factor in her daily life. It has not completely disappeared but that’s because she was not motivated enough to continue to work on it. She is headed to college this coming fall, and will start to live in a dorm. In case she starts to have some new triggers (which is possible), she thinks Tom gave her tools to deal with it!
We are really grateful. Tom was a blessing to our family!
Nara Graber
June 22, 2023.

I first contacted Tom Dozier because I was looking for ideas about how to treat misophonia. We subsequently worked together on a research project as well. Tom has been a leading innovator in developing ideas about treatment and doing research on treating misophonia. He offers valuable training as well as treatment options.

In search of solutions to help my son Mathias with autism and mysophony, I discovered on the web the works of Mr. Tom DOZIER.
After some explanations and buying a phone with Android the magic operated.
my son, who had been out of school for his troubles, was overriding what had caused his exclusion.
Today he has no more disorders of mysophony and this grace to Mr. Tom DOZIER

When my daughter was eight years old she started experiencing symptoms of misophonia. At that time, we didn’t know what it was or how we could help her. One evening, my sister saw a special report on the news about misophonia and concluded that this must be what my daughter has. I started researching misophonia and contacted Tom Dozier. He has been a life changer for my daughter and family. Because of his consultations, recommendations, and accommodations, my daughter is a thriving high school student. Mr. Dozier, we can’t thank you enough for your guidance in helping us navigate our way with misophonia!

Tom was the first and ONLY person to validate Misophonia ‘s Existence!!!!
I thought I was losing my mind and could not not find anyone to help my son. I talked first with my Pediatrician, who recommended a Psychiatrist, an ENT Dr. who wanted to do a hearing test and my Family Counselor who said there wasn’t an ICD code for this.
Basically I was completely discounted, people scratched their heads and said “I don’t know”.
Tom was the only person who gave me any hope and ideas on how to help my son, I
I signed up to get his emails and still do to this day and find that because of him and his work am able to provide support and information to others.
Thank you Tom!!!

Misophonia wreaked havoc on my life when I was just a teenager. Gratefully, I was connected with Tom who helped me understand what it is and how to cope. Though misophonia still impacts my life almost a decade later, I have the tools and resources I need to be self-aware, manage stress and triggers, and communicate my misophonic needs with others. His kind and practical approaches have blessed my life. Thank you, Tom!

My daughter at a young age developed misophonia. It was very difficult to see her so unhappy and her behavior was very disruptive to our family. We feared her trajectory and did not know how to help her. After some online research, we found Tom Dozier and his advice and therapy has been life changing. He truly understands misophonia and how to help people suffering with it. Thank you so much !

Tom Dozier probably knows more about the treatment of misophonia than anyone on earth, and on top of that, he’s an extremely kind, caring, and generous person. I recommend him enthusiastically and without reservation!

First, Tom made me feel sane. I realized my symptoms are normal and happen to a lot of people. Second, Tom gave very practical advice and the methods he recommended greatly improved my symptoms. Even something as simple as the earplug model he recommended ended up helping me big time. Would highly recommend his services to elder millennials like myself.

My family was suffering of a case of misophonia on my son that at the time we had no idea that even existed. We experienced this while the pandemic and it escalated gradually to more intense situations to the point that we didn’t know what to do. We looked for help with his pediatrician who recommended a child phycologist but prior to my son’s first session, we did our research and that’s when we discovered what misophonia is and that took us to find Tom Dozier.
We immediately book an appointment with him and that was a tremendous change since the first session. He was incredibly helpful and understanding of the situation and what he did to help us was fantastic!
I can’t thank Tom enough and I would greatly recommend him if you feel you or someone who you know might be dealing with this rare condition.
We are happy to say that following Tom’s recommendations, my son’s issue with misophonia is almost non-existent. Sometimes he shows that the condition still there, but we now know how to help him thanks to Tom and his guidance.

Tom is a great therapist and his book helped me very much plus detailed guidance over zoom.

Tom’s research and expertise in the field of Misophonia has clearly helped me live a more normal life. The more he is able to educate the better off we all are!

I’m Ken, the father of a young man that suffers from chronic Misophonia. I divorced, while fighting in Iraq and the separation didn’t let me see the signs developing. It all got worse and once I retired and spent longer time with him, I realized that it was a very severe problem. I researched for weeks calling places and the only one that fit my son’s needs was this institute. Buying Tom’s book and always having such a personalized response, gave me the confidence to trust him with my son’s therapy. Knowing the cause of his problem after so many misdiagnoses and the drugs associated with them, provided us immediate relief, and the therapy is still helping him. Even when he doesn’t have appointments, he now practices what he was taught and living a much better life. My son is still challenged by the sound, but he now has much better coping mechanisms to keep improving. I’m very grateful for Tom’s passion to help families with these challenges, especially dealing with a rare condition like Misophonia. I’m sadden by the thought of friends and families struggling to understand such difficult behavior.

We were referred to Tom by our OT after our initial meeting was determined that our daughter had a sever case of misophonia. We were nervous meeting with Tom at first because we didn’t know what to expect, however, after our first few sessions with Tom we started to see slight changes in our daughter. After months of implementing the behavior tools that Tom gave us we have seen a massive change in how our daughter engages with trigger noises. We could not be happier with the outcome! We would recommend Tom to anyone who has issues with misophonia and for parents of children with this condition.

We found Tom after we suspected our son had misophonia. We did not know a lot about the condition and we reached out to Tom to learn more. He got back to us right away and we scheduled our first video call. Within 10 minutes it was clear Tom was skilled not only on educating us on misophonia but his parent coaching skills are wonderful. He is supportive, kind, and patient while being direct and honest about where we can improve. Our son is doing much better and we continue to see Tom for coaching and advice. We are so grateful to have found someone who gave us actionable feedback resulting in positive changes in our son and our family!

Tom I was enormously helpful to me in effectively managing my misophonia and helping me to get less triggered. His structured process and practical strategies made a world of difference.

Tom is amazing. kind, compassionate, understanding and passionate about helping others.. I was really worried about what it was I was feeling and was it treatable after my doctor was in the dark and unable to help, but after our session I felt calm and relaxed about dealing with it going forward.

We started seeing Tom after my 12 year old said she had Misophonia. His methods seemed logical.. When she practiced them, there was improvement. For this to work, it’s necessary to desire the outcome, believe it’s possible (logically it is), and practice the method. Misophonia gets worse over time without treatment it appears, so nip it in the bud as best you can, but if you didn’t, a strong desire to achieve the goal of a normal life, hope, belief in yourself, and practice will go a long way.

Back in 2017 I was desperately searching for someone who understood, AND could treat, my then 27yo son with Misophonia, along with other co-occuring disorders.
My son was violent towards me and there was absolutely no-one who understood. Tom was my miracle. He was knowledgeable, professional, patient, and willing to do whatever it took to help us. He treated my son, while providing coaching for me, and during those online sessions, we both learned methods to control the outbursts and make life easier for us to co-exist. He was very creative in his methods which took on a new way of life for both of us. I will be forever grateful for his support and am confident that Misophonia is one step closer to being a household name and successfully treated because of his unrelenting dedication.

I didn’t even know misophonia was a thing. When someone told me that this is what I could be suffering from, I had to learn more. I worked with Tom and he was so helpful in helping me understand what it was and how I could get better. I had thought my whole life that I would just suffer and live with feeling the way I did around certain things. But then I put the work in from what Tom suggested and I was a whole new person.

Tom Dozier gave my daughter some valuable tools to help her manage her misophonia.

I saw Tom awhile ago for treatment of misophonia. He was knowledgeable, kind, supportive, and had a positive attitude. He helped me to understand my condition better. Although research and treatment of misophonia are still in the early stages, he gave me hope that I could learn to handle my situation and have a productive life.

I’ve struggled with misophonia since I was 12 and I’m 25 now. Like many people with misophonia, its had a (huge) negative impact on my life. After years of trying to figure out what was wrong with me, finding Tom on YouTube was a huge blessing and relief. I’ve only worked with him 3 times but my gosh, it was so helpful. I have hope that my misophonia can be gone completely or at least 80-90% gone one day. I just haven’t taken the time to take it seriously and do the work. I know I have to stay consistent with him. His methods are incredible and make sense. I still can’t believe he exists because misophonia is SO rarely talked about let alone studied. Tom is also a great guy in general. I’ve thanked god in prayer for finding Tom many times. He is wise, patient, and simply a likable person! He explains everything so well! Just writing this, I’m wondering why I haven’t worked with him recently.— I need to go back. Every time I have to go somewhere without headphones I think of Tom and the exercises. He is doing so good for people. He could also be helping people’s hearing in the long run because wearing headphones 24/7 is so harsh and draining on the ears. Anyways thank you Tom, I’m going to be scheduling an appointment soon!

When I came to Tom I was much younger than I am now, it was back in 2018. I had been struggling with my misophonia for years by this point and it had come to the point where I was struggling to spend little to any time around people without feeling triggered. I was hopeless at the time and speaking to Tom meant that it gave me hope for my future. Tom helped me with finding techniques to deal with misophonia and it completely changed my life. It shifted my perspective on misophonia and made me feel as though there is a way to deal with it.

I came to know about Tom Dozier from a counselor when I mentioned my noise sensitivity and immediately bought Tom’s book. I quickly discovered, from reading testimonials, that I had Misophonia. Upon my first appointment with Tom, I knew that I had found someone to help me. Tom was very well educated in this subject and I appreciated his calm and direct approach. For years, and actually longer as I discovered after meeting with Tom, I have been someone who was very easily triggered by noise but it was my reactions to the noise that were out of control. I would spin in a world of anger, anxiety, and negative thoughts. I felt absolutely trapped; dreading coming home as the loud neighbors’ footsteps, stereo, and cabinets slamming were inevitable. Or not wanting to go to my sister’s house because of her dogs barking and the noise made from her drinking water. Or the animosity I was beginning to feel towards my husband when he bit his nails or stomped around the house. But the worst part was that it all felt as if this was happening to me and that this was everyone else’s fault, that I had no control. I would think, if everyone could just be quiet, my life would be perfect.
It was time for action. My Misophonia was affecting my personal life in a large way. Because of me, we sold our condo and moved into the woods to get away from my triggers, and I couldn’t help but feel so guilty for changing my families lives for this thing that I couldn’t control. I didn’t know there was help for this but am I forever glad I found it. My first visit with Tom was emotional, unearthing all of my triggers which made me feel even more broken. But as always, Tom made me feel normal and always reminded me that there was help but that I had to put in the work, which I did and I still do to this day, but just not as often- maintenance work I call it. There is no lobotomy required, actually it is pretty simple, almost too simple. Retraining your brain! I love this approach. I would visualize the dendrites reforming into calmer more manageable pathways and just the thought of me taking control of this thing that I thought controlled me was pretty powerful.
I now enter situations calm and without fear. Yes, I occasionally have triggers but I quickly squash them by using my relaxing techniques. My husband at times gets anxious, wondering what will upset me and is now pleasantly surprised when I say, what noise?
I will forever be grateful to Tom for helping me and I am so thankful that he is here to help others in need.

I’m Don and I and my wife Sole have been working with Tom Dozier for the last 2 months doing parenting counseling, principally with and for my daughter Mila who does have misophonia. I just wanted to record this quick video giving a shout out to Tom. He’s done an incredible job with us helping us to navigate and understand misophonia as well as just typical best practices for parenting. Tom’s background was an engineer and he seems to take that type of analytical style but melds it with a compassion and a patience to explain to us the best strategies and have us implement the strategies and follow up with the strategies. I can just say that our relationship and the quality of life that we enjoy now with Mila and our son Ian has been phenomenal and I wholeheartedly recommend Tom’s Services. I think Tom is at the forefront of parenting as well as misophonia. I’ve done a lot of research over the years in parenting and so forth, and he brings a fresh insight and strategies I’ve never even heard of that are just so effective. So if you’re considering using Tom, don’t consider just do it. You will be thankful you did.

I would like to say thank you to Tom Dozier for working with me for the past several week with my misophonia. I have found that through several discussions on the workings of the brain, and body during a misophonic event that I have been able to approach myself in healthier ways. Tom has shared with me different coping mechanisms not only in regards to a trigger, but in my relationships with other people, and how to approach uncomfortable encounters during a trigger.
While I have found some difficulty in finding time to use the Trigger Tamer app, a tool used in the miso treatment, I have also found that the conditioning from the amount that I have used it, in conjunction with the talks, perception shifts, education, and good communication has resulted in some positive changes for me.
I rarely feel the rage during a trigger now. I still do experience triggers, and yes at times they are intense, but the emotional component is far more manageable than it was before. It feels like the rage has calmed, and now I have mostly fear/panic/anxiety.
One helpful tip Tom gave me that I can think of is changing my language. A sound, or image does not enrage me; it triggers me. A trigger is not the same as being enraged. Thank you again!
Also, I maintain what I always say, good diet is better for us as well. Qi Gong, Thai Chi, other Martial Arts, Yoga, nature….all very good for us.
* Solicited comment from a former client of Tom Dozier. Tom provided behavioral consultation for this individual.

“Hi Tom,
“I have some excellent news. I’ve been doing my working with the app every day since I believe last Saturday or Sunday [about 10 days]. At least an hour each session. If I’m feeling good I can do 3 hours or so while I’m at work. I was gradually increasing volume, frequency and length of the trigger sound (sniffling). Today I had a conversation with my roommate and partway through I realized he was sniffling and I was having no physical reflex. I then began focusing on the sound as if part of me knew something was supposed to happen but I had no negative feelings each time I heard the sound.”
“Thank you so much. I’m not finished the treatment, but I already feel so much better. This is a big deal for me. Misophonia plagued me every day and I finally feel hopeful that I might rid myself of some of the worst reactions. To simply not like the sound versus despising the sound is a massive relief.”
UPDATE (after another 10 days):
“Good Day Tom,
“I have been working on crunching now and I have definitely noticed a sensitivity decrease. I even have noticed an anxiety decrease when I know I might hear the trigger. I’ve realized I still really dislike the sound but I can handle it much better. Just the decrease in anxiety has been great.

My life is changed forever. I finally have control over my own suffering. Finding this app has been a complete miracle. Misophonia was ruining my life to the point where I couldn’t stay in classes or couldn’t concentrate because of the noises, and decided to go to Tom Dozier for help. After just two treatment sessions using the app, I could stand being around my mother while we ate (chewing and spoons on porcelain were some of my biggest triggers). Treatment for me worked very fast and I am excited to continue to eliminate other triggers. While I cannot completely eliminate reactions in real life, I barely react to the trigger. At least not with the rage I used to. The only thing that wasn’t perfect was the interface. I have a Droid Razr M, and I had a lot of trouble at first syncing my music and recorded triggers on to my phone (I ended up using an app called Synctunes). Also it seems like the TriggerTamer App only plays mp3 audio files, which is a bit annoying since most purchased iTunes music come in m4a files. I had to convert any file I wanted to put on the app. A multi-step process, but well worth it to finally be free of the terrible dysfunction I was living with. Don’t suffer any more. If you have misophonia, you need to try this app.
* Unsolicited testimonial from a former client of Tom Dozier. Tom provided behavioral consultation for misophonia for this individual.

It actually works!! I’m finally misophonia-free after 35 years…
Amazingly this app actually works. I’ve had misophonia for about 35 years and this is the *only* thing that has ever permanently eased it. (I’ve tried everything before – only noise-cancelling headphones playing white/pink noise helped, but that was only ‘avoidance’, not ‘cure’). I found the app to be a very useful tool to help understand my own trigger response mechanism; with very short trigger times (~200 milliseconds) I was aware of my physical reaction phase but didn’t suffer the subsequent emotional miso rage/crash. Any longer than that short duration initially triggered my full miso reaction but after only two training sessions I can listen to a sustained (‘brutal’ even) blast of my primary trigger sound with only a barely perceptible emotional reaction. Truly amazing!! Once you understand the initial physical reaction you can retrain yourself to relax. I think this is key to proper use of the app. This works because no physical reaction = no subsequent emotional miso reaction a split-second after. With the help of this app this has been the first time I have fully understood what is going on. I never even knew before that I had *any* physical reaction at all – it seemed purely emotional. Knowledge is power I guess!! Although it is still early days I feel that this app has already cured me of this devastating disease. For example I’ve noticed that out in public is now a pleasure rather than the living hell that it always has been previously… Many many thanks to the developers for creating such an incredibly useful tool!!