My oldest daughter found Tom DOZIER’s conference to help her sister who is 7 yrs younger. We all sat in on his conference as a family. As a parents we knew very little of this condition. Our middle school daughter who was just diagnosed in 7th grade was really struggling. We felt helpless, and frustrated. The conference proved to be so educational not only about Misophonia but offered support for us parents as well as my other two daughter.s were able to learn how to deal with their sister who they love so much. We have remained in touch with Tom and he has offered so many solutions to how to deal with everyday issues. Most importantly how to support our daughter. Our daughter who has Misophonia still struggles but has managed to thrive and is now headed to Harvard for her freshman year. We don’t eat dinner together most nights but have learned to handle our daughters triggers. We have insulated her room and give her space to decompress. Though it’s painful for us all at times. Tom has been so instrumental in guiding our family successfully through all these yrs. It is challenging most of the time. We as a family could not have done this without Tom’s education and guidance. I would highly recommend Tom’s conference if your child or someone you love is suffering from Misophonia.