I found Tom when doing some web searching on my “condition”… I didn’t really know what it was. I didn’t really know that other people had similar experiences or life restrictions. I found the term Misophonia… and I was amazed to discover that this was something that other people experienced. More importantly I found Tom listed as someone that could help me… I didn’t think that there was help.. I didn’t understand anything about cause/effect or what was happening to me.
Within minutes of making contact with Tom i felt validated… heard and optimistic. This for the first time in over 40 years of progressively worsening suffering.
Tom Dozier’s approach, compassion and the techniques and the tools, he provided me, brought me a great distance forward to a better life.. I continue to use his Apps on a near daily basis, I’ve never mastered the Trigger Tamer, but continue to use it. The Reflex finder and Misophonia muscle training apps are outstanding and are incredibly helpful.. I recommend anyone that reads this to engage Tom and download these apps. It can change your life. It changed mine for the better. Toms dedication to treating and easing peoples suffering actually comes though via the apps he developed. They are very focused.
I still experience life with Misophonia, however I have tools to move forward and am better equipped to mange and accept treatments , All thanks to Tom. For anything I do to treat Misophonia in the future – Tom’s methods and tools are my foundation, a strong foundation.