Misophonia Questionnaire (MQ)
The Misophonia Questionnaire was developed for a study at the University of South Florida, and it was also used in a recent doctoral dissertation. The study considered a score of 7 or higher on the misophonia severity scale (part 3, 1-15 rating) to be “clinically significant.” This means that misophonia created a serious problem in their life that warranted seeking treatment. Adding the score of all 20 questions provides an overall measure of misophonia severity.
Part 1. Misophonia Symptom Scale
Directions: Please rate how much the following statements describe you on a scale from 0 to 4.
0: Not at all True
1: Rarely True
2: Sometimes True
3: Often True
4: Always True
In comparison to other people, I am sensitive to the sound of:
- People eating (e.g. chewing, swallowing, lips smacking, slurping, etc.).
- Repetitive tapping (e.g. pen on table, foot on floor, etc.).
- Rustling (e.g. plastic, paper, etc.).
- People making nasal sounds (e.g. inhale, exhale, sniffing, etc.).
- People making throat sounds (e.g. throat-clearing, coughing, etc.).
- Certain consonants and/or vowels (e.g. “k” sounds, etc.).
- Environmental sounds (e.g. clock ticking, refrigerator humming, etc.).
- Other: ______________________________
Part2. Misophonia Emotions and Behaviors Scale
Directions: If any of the aforementioned statements were given a value of “1 – Rarely True” or higher, please continue onto the following section and rate how often the subsequent statements occur, 0 being “Never” and 4 being “Always.”
0: Never
1: Rarely
2: Sometimes
3: Often
4: Always
Once you are aware of the sound(s), because of the sound(s), how often do you:
- Leave the environment to a place where the sound(s) cannot be heard anymore?
- Actively avoid certain situations, places, things, and/or people in anticipation of the sound(s)?
- Cover your ears?
- Become anxious or distressed?
- Become sad or depressed?
- Become annoyed?
- Have violent thoughts?
- Become angry?
- Become physically aggressive?
- Become verbally aggressive?
- Other: ______________________________
Part 3. Misophonia Severity Scale
Directions: Please rate the severity of your sound sensitivity on the following scale from 1 (minimal) to 15 (very severe). Please consider the number of sounds that you are sensitive to, the degree of distress, and the impairment in your life due to your sound sensitivities.
____ If you do not have any sound sensitivities, please check here.
1-3: Minimal within range of normal or very mild sound sensitivities. I spend little time resisting or being affected by my sound sensitivities. Almost no or no interference in daily activity.
4-6: Mild sound sensitivities. Mild sound sensitivities that are noticeable to me and to an observer, cause mild interference in my life and which I may resist or be affected for a minimal period of time. Easily tolerated by others.
7-9: Moderate sound sensitivities. Sounds sensitivities that cause significant interference in my life and which I spend a great deal of conscious energy resisting or being affected by. Require some help from others to function in daily activity.
10-12: Severe sound sensitivities. Sound sensitivities that are crippling to me, interfering so that daily activity is “an active struggle.” I may spend full time resisting my sound sensitivities or being affected by them. Require much help from others to function.
13-15: Very severe sound sensitivities. Sound sensitivities that completely cripple me so that I require close supervision over eating, sleeping, and so forth. It is hard to function on a day-to-day basis because of this.
Wu, Lewin, Murphy, & Storch, 2014; Cash 2015