Misophonia Assessment Questionnaire
Marsha Johnson developed a survey for use with her clients. It’s called the Misophonia Assessment Questionnaire. The survey consists of 21 questions that are scored from 0 to 3 points based on how often the item applies to you. The severity of your misophonia is determined by the sum of the points from these questions.
When the survey says “sound issues” think “misophonia issues” because misophonia includes your response to any type of sensory input – sound, visual, vibration, smell, etc.
RATING SCALE: 0 = not at all, 1 = a little of the time, 2 = a good deal of the time, 3 = almost all the time |
Score |
1. My sound issues currently make me unhappy | |
2. My sound issues currently create problems for me. | |
3. My sound issues have recently made me feel angry. | |
4. I feel that no one understands my problems with certain sounds. | |
5. My sound issues do not seem to have a known cause. | |
6. My sound issues currently make me feel helpless. | |
7. My sound issues currently interfere with my social life. | |
8. My sound issues currently make me feel isolated. | |
9. My sound issues have recently created problems for me in groups. | |
10. My sound issues negatively affect my work/school life (currently or recently). | |
11. My sound issues currently make me feel frustrated. | |
12. My sound issues currently impact my entire life negatively. | |
13. My sound issues have recently made me feel guilty. | |
14. My sound issues are classified as “crazy.” | |
15. I feel that no one can help me with my sound issues. | |
16. My sound issues currently make me feel hopeless. | |
17. I feel that my sound issues will only get worse with time. |
18. My sound issues currently impact my family relationships. | |
19. My sound issues have recently affected my ability to be with other people. | |
20. My sound issues have not been recognized as legitimate. | |
21. I am worried that my whole life will be affected by sound issues. | |
Sum Score |
Dr. Johnson divided the scale into thirds. The lower third (0-21) is mild. The middle third (22-42) is moderate, and the upper third (43-63) is severe.[i] You can take this survey and rate your misophonia. It would seem to make more sense to divide the scale into five zones, like the A-MISO-S survey. With five zones, the ratings would be
– 0-11: Subclinical (meaning you do not need treatment)
– 12-24: Mild
– 25-37: Moderate
– 38-50: Severe
– 51-63: Extreme