This is the page for the Treatment Provider Directory of professionals who are known to work with people with misophonia.
Renata Krok
Therapy Step by StepBiographical Info
Therapy: Renata provides diagnosis, assessment and advice for Misophonia. She offers Sequent Repatterning Therapy in Chiswick, London or remotely online, both within the UK and Internationally.
Renata is an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, CBT Therapist and BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT®) Advanced Practitioner. Having established an extensive client base both at home and overseas, she is experienced and an advocate in providing therapy online. As a misophonic who has benefitted from SRT, she empathises with what it is like to live with this condition. Her aim is to improve your life and get it positively on track.
BSc (Hons), University of London, DHP (Adv), MAPHP (Acc) , MNRPC (Acc), CNHC, BWRT (Advanced),