My family was suffering of a case of misophonia on my son that at the time we had no idea that even existed. We experienced this while the pandemic and it escalated gradually to more intense situations to the point that we didn’t know what to do. We looked for help with his pediatrician who recommended a child phycologist but prior to my son’s first session, we did our research and that’s when we discovered what misophonia is and that took us to find Tom Dozier.
We immediately book an appointment with him and that was a tremendous change since the first session. He was incredibly helpful and understanding of the situation and what he did to help us was fantastic!
I can’t thank Tom enough and I would greatly recommend him if you feel you or someone who you know might be dealing with this rare condition.
We are happy to say that following Tom’s recommendations, my son’s issue with misophonia is almost non-existent. Sometimes he shows that the condition still there, but we now know how to help him thanks to Tom and his guidance.